1. Name few C based API in iOS ? Ans: SQLITE, GCD 2. What is Concurrency(in iOS) in short? Ans: It help us to write efficient, fast execution of our app and for more responsive. But at the same time, if we misusing, it will ruin our app with our any mercy. For that reason we should think twice to write any concurrency code. 3. What are most commonly used APIs to implement concurrency Code? Ans: NSOperation and Dispatch Queues. 4. Name few concepts that needed to write concurrent code? Ans: Blocks (we call ‘closures' in Swift Programming Language) 5. What are Queues? Ans: Its a DS(Data Structure) which manages the objects in an order - FIFO(First in First Out) 6. In which form you submit your task to the queue? Ans: In the form of a block. 7. What is an Dispatch Queues? Ans: Its one of the ways to perform tasks in asynchronously and concurrently in our applications. 8. What is meant by a Block in iOS? Ans: Its just a block of Code. 9. Do we have any other queues under the Dispatch ...